The summertime OSSAA dead week period is July 1 - July 9, 2023. During this time, student-athletes cannot participate in school athletic activities. #mdpurpose
over 1 year ago, Mid-Del News
Dead Week
Verification of returning Mid-Del students opens July 5, 2023 Verification of RETURNING Mid-Del students will be completely online again this year. You will need the following documentation to upload for your RETURNING Mid-Del student: 1. Log in starting July 5th at 8 am. You will be receiving an email that will include login information and link to where you will log in. 2. Resident Affidavits and Special entry's will complete this process online this year as well. Documentation Required: 1. Must provide 2 current (within 30 days) utility bills (gas, water, and/or electric). Service must be in the parent/guardian’s name and reflect the service address. 2. Cut-off or late notices presented AFTER the cut-off date will not be accepted without proof of payment. 3. Tinker Housing Office Verification (if applicable) 4. State or government issued ID Questions? Call 405-582-7095 or email
over 1 year ago, Mid-Del News
If you were a Mid-Del Substitute through Kelly Services and you wish to continue to be a Mid-Del Substitute for the 2023-2024 school year, you will need to apply with our new vendor, Edustaff. Returning Substitutes may come to the Administration Building on Wednesday, June 21st from 9am-12pm and 2pm-6pm; and Thursday, June 22th from 9am-12pm. Apply TODAY at Questions? Please call 1-877-974-6338.
over 1 year ago, Mid-Del News
Hiring Subs
Save the date for the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2024!
over 1 year ago, Titan News
The Board of Education recognized the State Champion Baseball Team from Carl Albert High School. Baseball Coaches Tony Borum, Cory Milford, and Ryan Whiteley coached the All State West Baseball Team. Ryan Ray, CAHS, was an All Stater. Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, Mid-Del News
The Board of Education recognized the District's first State Champion Girls Golf Team from Carl Albert High School. Rylan Ashley and Kamryn Zuniga were also recognized for being named to the All State Girls Golf Team. Coach Boone Copeland was the All City Coach of the Year.
over 1 year ago, Mid-Del News
The Board of Education recognized the following Carl Albert Titans for being named to the All State Soccer Team: Brooklyn Hawkins, Kayden Murphy, and Fabian Romero. Congratulations to Chancy Lester, CAHS, who was named alternate for the All State Team. Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, Mid-Del News
The Board of Education named Michelle Dunn as Assistant Principal at Carl Albert High School for the 2023-2024 school year. Michelle Dunn is a Mid-Del graduate who earned her Bachelor's Degree in Family and Consumer Sciences Education and her Master's Degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Central Oklahoma. She started her career in Mid-Del as a Family and Consumer Sciences teacher for 8 years, and also served as an Instructional Coach at Del City High School for 4 years. Michelle joins us from her current position at the Oklahoma State Department of Education as the Executive Director of Federal Programs. Michelle is married to Mike Dunn, the Head Football Coach and Athletic Director at Carl Albert High School. Their daughter Andi attends Soldier Creek Elementary and their 3 year old son Harrison can be spotted on the sidelines hustling with a football on Friday nights. Michelle is excited to come home to Mid-Del and serve alongside friends and family.
over 1 year ago, Mid-Del News
Sanctioning Meeting Information: To be sanctioned in 2023-24, at least one OFFICER of the organization MUST attend a google meeting that is offered by the district to receive the instructions for submitting an application. If an officer has not attended a district meeting for this purpose, the organization will not be presented to the Board of Education for sanctioning. The remaining Sanctioning Meeting will be held on June 8th. Please see the graphic for more information or use the following link:
over 1 year ago, Mid-Del News
If you were a Mid-Del Substitute through Kelly Services and you wish to continue to be a Mid-Del Substitute for the 2023-2024 school year, you will need to apply with our new vendor, Edustaff. Apply TODAY at Questions? Call 1-877-974-6338.
over 1 year ago, Mid-Del News
Don't miss this opportunity for your family to meet our staff, receive resources to help transition to a new school/district, and receive enrollment help if you still need to complete student enrollment! Join us on July 15 from 9am-1pm at the LSC, 4731 Judy Dr. in Del City.
over 1 year ago, Mid-Del News
Are you looking for summer fine arts camps? We can help! Visit us online for more information. We will be adding more camp information as it becomes available! Use this link for more information:
almost 2 years ago, Mid-Del News
Save the Date for the 3rd Annual FREE Community Family Fun Day for Mid-Del Families sponsored by the Shelden Williams Foundation! Join us August 19th from 12-3pm at Rose Field. Games, music, food, prizes and more!
almost 2 years ago, Mid-Del News
Titan Baseball Camp Mark your calendars!!!
almost 2 years ago, Titan News
Important Summer Info!
almost 2 years ago, Titan News
Important information for Graduates: Diploma pick up will take place on Thursday, May 25th between 9am-2pm in the Counseling Office. NHS Students will need to return the stole worn at graduation or may purchase it for $25 cash.
almost 2 years ago, Titan News
Buy your TITAN Baseball STATE CHAMPIONSHIP Gear!!! Store ends June 6
almost 2 years ago, Titan News
Freshman Titan Camp - Class of 2027!!!
almost 2 years ago, Titan News
Titan Athletes!!! Performance Course Summer Development 2023 Register NOW!!!
almost 2 years ago, Titan News
School is out for the Summer! We hope all of our Mid-Del students and families have a great summer break! Seniors, we look forward to celebrating you at Graduation this Saturday! #mdpurpose
almost 2 years ago, Mid-Del News