Each week, the District posts the total number of positive COVID-19 cases on our website under the COVID-19 Information page. The information is also shared with our local newspaper, the Midwest City Beacon.
over 4 years ago, Mid-Del News
positive covid-19 cases
For information regarding Enrollment Verification, please visit: https://www.mid-del.net/o/cbes/page/enrollment-verification--2.
over 4 years ago, Mid-Del Schools
2020-2021 School Supply Lists are available online. This is a reminder that school starts on August 14th. We look forward to seeing our students! https://www.mid-del.net/o/district/browse/141940
over 4 years ago, Stacey Boyer
supply lists
This school year, all of our elementary schools will host Meet the Teacher events on the same day. Please know that plans may change if needed. We look forward to seeing our students!
over 4 years ago, Mid-Del News
Meet Teacher
The Board of Education approved the Return to School Plan for the 2020-2021 School Year during tonight's school board meeting. For more information about the District's plan, visit https://www.mid-del.net/o/district/page/2020-2021-school-reopening--2/
over 4 years ago, Mid-Del News
return to school plan
Only 4 days until the June 30th Bond Election! One feature of the Bond Election is the purchase of band and orchestra uniforms for Carl Albert High School, Del City High School, and Midwest City High School! Please vote on June 30, 2020! #mdpurpose
over 4 years ago, Mid-Del News
Only 4 days until the June 30th Bond Election! One feature of the Bond Election is classroom and restroom remodels throughout the District, as needed. This would include certain restroom and hallway renovations, as well as certain upgrades to classrooms to include, but not be limited to, painting, flooring, and lighting improvements. Please vote on June 30, 2020! #mdpurpose
over 4 years ago, Mid-Del News
Only 4 days until the June 30th Bond Election! One feature of the Bond Election is the purchase of additional security cameras District-wide. This would allow increased security measures that would benefit the safety and security of our students, staff, and community. Please vote on June 30, 2020! #mdpurpose #safety
over 4 years ago, Mid-Del News
Security cameras
Only 4 days until the June 30th Bond Election! One feature of the Bond Election is the purchase of fine arts equipment for all of our middle and high schools! This would be an excellent enhancement for our students. Please vote on June 30, 2020! #mdpurpose #finearts
over 4 years ago, Mid-Del News
Fine arts
Our Mid-Del Enrollment Center will open on July 6th at the Mid-Del Learning and Services Center located at 4731 Judy Drive in Del City. We have a new process for enrollment in Mid-Del. Parents must register for an appointment time for the CEC. This includes new student enrollment as well as students on a resident affidavit. Families who "walk-up" to the Enrollment Center will have to register for an appointment at a later time. Save time when visiting the Mid-Del Enrollment Center by adding yourself to the QLess Virtual Line. Instead of spending valuable time waiting in line, you can add yourself to the virtual line and you will be notified when you are next in line for service. Families can begin scheduling appointments on Monday, June 29. All patrons and families must wear a mask when coming to the CEC. Masks will not be provided. For questions, please email enrollment@mid-del.net. Thank you! UPDATE: *6/23/20: Families can now schedule your enrollment appointments by using this link: https://kiosk.na4.qless.com/kiosk/app/home/241
over 4 years ago, Mid-Del News
Please remember to vote on June 30th. The total bond amount is $8,840,000. Each school would receive improvements on this bond. The projects in the bond election include playground equipment, improved accessibility, band/orchestra uniforms, fine arts equipment, bathroom and classroom renovations, and security upgrades. If the bond passes, millage rates will remain the same. This is NOT a property tax increase for our community.
over 4 years ago, Mid-Del News
bond 1
bond 2
Dr. Rick Cobb, Superintendent of Mid-Del Schools, discusses the upcoming June 30th Bond Election! Included in the Bond Election, are improvements to all 15 Elementary School playgrounds! This would include new/updated playground equipment, increased accessibility, and increased shade coverage as needed! https://youtu.be/Q_0rrkTJ-b8
over 4 years ago, Mid-Del News
Watch Dr. Rick Cobb, Superintendent of Mid-Del Schools, explain the absentee voting process for the June 30th Bond Election. https://youtu.be/LC1gV-5MJvA
over 4 years ago, Stacey Boyer
FREE Meals will continue. Please visit us on Mondays and Thursdays at the eight school sites providing meals to any child 18 and under. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Mid-Del News
FREE Meals
Friday, May 15, 2020, is the last day of classes for Mid-Del Schools! Thank you for a memorable year Mid-Del Families!
over 4 years ago, Stacey Boyer
Last Day of Classes
Parents/Guardians may turn in your child's Continuous Learning Plan (CLP) coversheet either Thursday, April 16, or Monday, April 20, at any of the 8 designated feeding sites between 9:30am-11am. Turning in the CLP coversheet is also optional. Thank you.​​
almost 5 years ago, Mid-Del News
Watch Dr. Cobb's latest update from 4-12-2020. https://youtu.be/HPo6jGpLFfA
almost 5 years ago, Mid-Del News
update 4-12-2020
In our ongoing efforts to provide the most transparent updates with our Mid-Del patrons, Dr. Cobb will be available on Thursday, April 2nd at 10:00 a.m. to answer your questions on Facebook Live. We ask that you submit your questions on this post as we try to prepare as much information as we can for our community. We hope this will provide our families with needed information during this time. Thank you! #mdpurpose #oklaed
almost 5 years ago, Stacey Boyer
Ask Rick
In our ongoing efforts to provide the most transparent updates with our Mid-Del patrons, Dr. Cobb will be available on Thursday, April 2nd at 10:00 a.m. to answer your questions on Facebook Live. We ask that you submit your questions on this post as we try to prepare as much information as we can for our community. We hope this will provide our families with needed information during this time. Thank you! #mdpurpose #oklaed
almost 5 years ago, Stacey Boyer
Ask Rick
Parents and guardians, please take a moment to make sure your contact information is current in our system. Please do not share your information on this social media post. We ask that you share any updates with our Student Accounting Department at cnewnam@mid-del.net. Be sure to include your child's name, name of school, date of birth, phone number, and a good email address. We will be sharing very important information in the days ahead. If you have any questions, please refer them to that address as well. Thank you again for your patience during this time. #mdpurpose
almost 5 years ago, Stacey Boyer
information update