The Del City High School Band and Orchestra has their next fundraiser and meeting coming up and we need every student, family member, and community member to help share. THIS IS A BIG ONE THAT CAN HELP TREMENDOUSLY!!! We are raising money to pay for new instruments and contest fees through our general fund in the booster account. Our goal is to raise at least $5,000.

Here is our facebook event page. We need as many people to help share.

We have a meeting set for March 2nd from 6pm to 6:30pm in the del city high school band/orchestra room to go over details.

The band/orchestra will get paid $5 for every parent/adult family member that shows up to this meeting(must get a minimum of 50 parents/adults to qualify). If we get 100 parents/adults there, They will double our payout to $1,000 just for the meeting even before the fundraiser actually starts. This is an easy and quick way to earn lots of money for our band.

Please help push this meeting so we can try to get 100% participation from all parents/guardians/family members.