Del City Student Council Fundraiser. If you can help us that would be amazing. Every little bit goes a long way.
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
News from the Nest: Mrs. Young
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
DCHS Senior Spotlight: Carlos Moore
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
Congrats to Two DCHS students Corey Brannon and Gabrielle Hightower who received the state superintendents fine arts award for vocal music. #watchdcsoar
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
We've added 3 additional locations to receive FREE Meals beginning Monday, March 30. We've been averaging over 2,000 meals per day for children in the Mid-Del area this week. We are excited about offering 3 additional locations to help serve families in the Mid-Del area. We have added Barnes Elementary, Steed Elementary and Tinker Elementary. We will be open on Monday, March 30, at all eight schools between 9:30-11:00 a.m. at any of these locations.
almost 5 years ago, Mid-Del News
Free Meals Update
News from the Nest: Mrs. Barbee
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
DCHS Senior Spotlight: Trent Messer
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
What an awesome recognition by Scott Van Pelt on ESPN! He truly gets what sports is about! If you missed it he’s back on at 11pm! Del City Community Stand Up! #SeniorNight #ScottVanPelt Thank you on behalf of the Del City 🏀Team , much Respect! ~Coach Hatchett
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
Seniors, if you want to be featured in the Senior Spotlight, please fill out the form asap. One senior a day will be. featured in the order they are received.
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
Senior Spotlight: Raymond Gordon
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
News from the Nest: Mrs. Bell
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
Please read the latest update from Superintendent Cobb from March 26, 2020.
almost 5 years ago, Mid-Del News
COVID-19 Update 3-26-2020
SENIORS if you want to be part of the Senior Spotlight, please fill out this form:
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
Please take a moment to complete this very important survey that will help us determine what digital access our families have. This will help us best communicate our with the new distance learning initiative. The form closes on Thursday, March 26, at 5pm.
almost 5 years ago, Stacey Boyer
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
News from the Nest: Mrs. Detoy
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
To the Del City Wrestlers, matmaids, parents, fans, and supporters. A little update from Coach Ruth. #BetterYourself #BePatient
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
News from the Nest: Ms. Jenkins
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar
PSA: YOU CAN STILL BUY YEARBOOKS ! Online @ Don’t let the coronavirus stop you from buying a yearbook. I even gave you guys the link. We’ve worked really hard so please don’t let our hard work go to waste.
almost 5 years ago, #WatchDCSoar