November 18, 2020
Meals will be available for pick-up at all Mid-Del schools tomorrow (Thursday, November 19). All cafeterias will be handing out 2 days worth of meals.
Parents have two optio...

November 18, 2020
The Board of Education voted to make adjustments to the Mid-Del Return to Learn Plan for in-person students. Students of Mid-Del Public schools are currently attending class in-pe...

November 16, 2020
Mid-Del Schools will be offering meals in neighborhoods with bus routes on Tuesday, November 17th and Thursday, November 19th . We will be handing out two days of meals (breakfas...

November 13, 2020
Good afternoon Mid-Del Families, \r\n On October 29, our school board approved my recommendation to bring our students back to school for full in-person instruction four days a we...
November 5, 2020
Red Ribbon Re-DO!!! Since the ice storm interrupted our Red Ribbon Week, here's our second chance at it!

October 30, 2020
During the Special Board of Education meeting on Thursday, October 29, 2020, the Board voted unanimously (5-0) to untie Learning Plan options from the Oklahoma State Department of...

October 29, 2020
Mid-Del Schools and Mid-Del Technology Center will be closed on Friday, October 30th for an inclement weather day. This is due to power outages at our school sites and throughout ...

October 28, 2020
Mid-Del Schools will be closed on Thursday, October 29 due to inclement weather and power outages at our school sites and throughout our community neighborhoods. We will not have ...

October 27, 2020
Mid-Del Schools will be closed on Wednesday, October 28th due to the inclement weather and power outages affecting our Mid-Del community. All Wednesday activities are cancelled as...

October 27, 2020
Due to the many power outages in our community, we will not have a Remote Learning Day on Tuesday, October 27. Instead, October 27th will be an inclement we...

October 23, 2020
We are excited to offer a collection of FREE ebooks and audiobooks, curated specifically for our schools. To access Sora, please click on the Clever link HERE (or on the front pa...

October 1, 2020
Parents, free flu shots for your Eoperly Heights children MONDAY, OCTOBER 12TH 8:45-3:30 AT EPPERLY HEIGHTS . Click the link to schedule an appointment. \r\n https://core.totalw...

September 25, 2020
Mrs. Heather Deering, Country Estates Principal, discusses the awesome schoolSAFEid Car Rider Plus program! A huge thank you to Stephen Russell from Health Markets for sponsoring ...

September 21, 2020
The Board voted 5-0 to approve changes to our learning plan. The changes are as follows: \r\n Based on the Oklahoma State Department of Health COVID-19 Alert System, the Administ...

September 15, 2020
Each week, the District posts the total number of positive COVID-19 cases on our website under the COVID-19 Information page. The information is also shared with our local newspa...

September 9, 2020
Deadline to opt-out of MDVA is September 10th at 4pm
We extended our deadline to opt-out of Mid-Del Virtual Academy (MDVA) for our students to Thursday, September 10, at 4:0...

September 4, 2020
Free Daily Grab & Go Meal Information \r\n Any child 18 years and under can get a FREE lunch and breakfast at a Mid-Del School. \r\n These meals are served as ‘Grab & Go’ in a d...

September 4, 2020
Please visit: cox.com/Connect2Compete or click HERE for more information.

September 3, 2020
For information for students participating in: A/B Alternating Schedule or Mid-Del Virtual Academy (MDVA), please click HERE .