Midwest City Middle School Cell Phone Policy
The Board of Education promotes an environment for instructional learning that is safe and secure. The use of wireless telecommunication or multi-media devices during instruction time disrupts and interferes with the educational process and will not be tolerated. Therefore, the District establishes the following policy for the use of wireless telecommunication and multimedia devices.
Students are strictly prohibited from using wireless telecommunication and multimedia devices during school hours. Such devices should not be visible and are not to be activated during school hours. All such devices should be secured in the student’s backpack or checked into the main office during school hours. Text messaging, camera phones, and smart watches are strictly prohibited during school hours.
*Phones are to be turned off and put away once students enter the building in the morning.
Students in violation of any part of this policy will be subject to discipline procedures including but not limited to:
● phone confiscated, parent notified, parent must pick up phone
● phone confiscated, parent notified, parent pick up, check phone into office daily
● ST/LT suspension; principal contacts parent
All cell phones must be picked up by a parent by 4:30pm each day.
Please call the school at (405) 739-1786 or notify the following grade level principals with questions in regards to cell phone pickup:
Head Principal – Kenyelle Williams krwilliams@mid-del.net
Assistant Principal – Brandon Hawkins -6th bhawkins@mid-del.net
Assistant Principal – Allison Moore -7th admoore@mid-del.net
Assistant Principal – Tyler McIntosh -8th tmcinstosh@mid-del.net
Administrative Intern – Krissy Frost kfrost@mid-del.net
Any student who knowingly takes, reproduces, or publishes a picture of another student, teacher, or administrator shall be subject to a school suspension and referral for prosecution. A person’s image belongs exclusively to them. You do not have a right to capture or take their image without their permission. Wireless telecommunication and multimedia devices are strictly prohibited from any and all testing environments including, but not limited to, state- mandated tests, advanced placement tests, and ACT tests.