Welcome to our 2nd Semester of teaching and learning at Midwest City Middle School! Doors open at 8:00am and classes will begin at 8:25am. Please make sure scholars come prepared with clear backpacks, paper, pencils, badges and lanyards. Chromebooks will be reissued to take home at the end of January after district diagnostic testing.
Construction for our remodel and new additions are underway. This has changed arrival and dismissal procedures. The flow of traffic will still travel south from Reno Ave. through our west parking lot. However, there is now a brightly colored marked loading and unloading zone for scholars to enter and exit the building through our Northwest gym doors on the back side of our portable buildings. Please keep students in the vehicle until you pull up to the unloading zone and pay close attention to the staff members on duty in this area who will be directing traffic. During dismissal you will need to say the first, last name and grade of the student(s) you are picking up until you are issued a School Safe ID tag within the next few weeks.
Please be vigilant, patient and graceful as we implement this new procedure while the south portion of our school is being transformed. Thank you and we are excited to get back to work with you and our scholars!