Happy New Year! I hope everyone in the Bomber Nation is doing well, safe, and healthy! I want to thank each of you for the work you have done supporting your child’s education at Midwest City Middle School during the first semester. Although this unique year has brought some challenges early on, I am encouraged that we are resilient as we continue to make adjustments to meet the needs of our kids in the building. I appreciate the flexibility and the way students, families, teachers and staff have operated with grace; and it is my hope that our Bomber Family continues to seek to understand, before being understood. I have high expectations for each of us as we begin the second semester and look forward to seeing shining examples of the Bomber Way. As a reminder, whether we are students, family, or staff, Bombers are Respectful, Bombers are Responsible, and Bombers are Resilient. We will see you soon!
Classes for IN PERSON students will resume on Monday, January 4th. As always, the building will open at 7:30 and the first bell will ring at 8:20. Students, please be on time. The final departure bell of the day is 3:20. Breakfast and Lunch continue to be free for all of our students at this time. As a reminder, the student pick up and drop off loop is in the back of the campus. Students arriving after 8:30am will need to be checked in to be checked into the main office with a parent. A few other reminders are as follows:
A mask is required that covers your mouth and nose for any adult or student that is in the building. Students, you will be asked, reminded, and possibly redirected so you can meet this requirement.
Lanyard & ID Required- It is part of the student dress code, a student safety policy and it is to be worn around your neck in plain site. Students received a free set in the fall. Replacements are $5 through the counseling office.
Canvas work is to be completed on Wednesday’s at minimum. Please inspect your student’s work by logging into their Canvas account and have them show you their work. Contact your student’s team of teachers for tips.
Maintain Social Distance when possible- Walking on the right side of the hallway and limiting physical contact.
Bring a water bottle- To help you stay hydrated with our contactless water filling stations. Students are not permitted to drink from the water fountain.
What to expect on our first day back for ALL students, Monday Jan. 4th
*New students to building - Where to report after 8:20 bell:
6th - 6th grade gym
7th - Cafeteria
8th - Gym
*NOTE- If your child was not attending class in the building this fall, they need a schedule built, so they’re considered a “New” student.
MDVA Students-
Hello Virtual Bombers! You received an email on December 9th welcoming you into the Virtual Academy that is delivered through Edgenuity. The week of Jan. 4th, you will receive an instructional email that has all of the things you need to start your classes. You will take this week to orient your student and yourself (caregivers) to the virtual process (logging in, FAQ’s and teacher email addresses). For our Virtual Bombers who are starting your 2nd semester, we know some of this info is not new, but it is a good refresher. We miss you and find ways to stay connected when you can (virtual tutoring from our MCMS teachers is one way) and keep working hard on your Edgenuity courses. Feel free to reach out to your grade level counselor, assistant principal, or the Head Principal if you need anything. Be on the lookout for more ways to get involved virtually as a MCMS Bomber! MDVA Classes will be opened up on Jan. 11th for students to begin work.
Returning IN PERSON students: Report to your same 1st hour class from first semester. Your teacher will hand out your new schedule showing any new electives for 2nd semester as well as any other changes to your schedule. After receiving your new schedule, you will then be sent to your new first hour - if it has changed. MANY of your schedules have changed, beyond your electives, so don't be too surprised if yours looks different. You will still be on the same teams with the same teachers, but the order may have changed. These changes were necessary to accommodate for the growing number of students returning to in-person instruction for 2nd semester. While we tried to make as many of these changes as possible over the break, we want you to understand there may still be some additional changes through the first week after we get a better count for our attendance.
New Students to In-Person This Year, Returning from MDVA: Welcome Back. Monday, after the 8:20 bell you will remain in the designated area for your grade level listed above until we call you each down to the counselor's office to get you your new schedules and show you around.
Schedule Change Requests will be VERY minimal Since all students were given a new opportunity to pick their electives for 2nd semester. If you did not get to select your electives for some reason, students can visit with their grade level counselor after Monday and if you genuinely did not get to pick, the change MIGHT be considered. Beyond that, all changes must have administrator AND parent approval.
If you were enrolled in a full year elective, i.e. Choir, Band, Orchestra and were wanting to change that for 2nd semester - You must turn in a parent/principal signed schedule request change form by Friday to the counseling office. Forms will be available in the counseling office beginning Monday morning.
Mr. Sanders
Head Principal- Midwest City Middle School