In our ongoing efforts to provide the most transparent updates with our Mid-Del patrons, Dr. Cobb will be available on Thursday, April 2nd at 10:00 a.m. to answer your questions on Facebook Live. We ask that you submit your questions on this post as we try to prepare as much information as we can for our community. We hope this will provide our families with needed information during this time. Thank you! #mdpurpose #oklaed

Parents and guardians, please take a moment to make sure your contact information is current in our system. Please do not share your information on this social media post. We ask that you share any updates with our Student Accounting Department at cnewnam@mid-del.net. Be sure to include your child's name, name of school, date of birth, phone number, and a good email address. We will be sharing very important information in the days ahead. If you have any questions, please refer them to that address as well. Thank you again for your patience during this time. #mdpurpose

We've added 3 additional locations to receive FREE Meals beginning Monday, March 30. We've been averaging over 2,000 meals per day for children in the Mid-Del area this week. We are excited about offering 3 additional locations to help serve families in the Mid-Del area. We have added Barnes Elementary, Steed Elementary and Tinker Elementary. We will be open on Monday, March 30, at all eight schools between 9:30-11:00 a.m. at any of these locations.

Please read the latest update from Superintendent Cobb from March 26, 2020.

Please take a moment to complete this very important survey that will help us determine what digital access our families have. This will help us best communicate our with the new distance learning initiative. The form closes on Thursday, March 26, at 5pm. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-UV6a7ykBBtgnQB_XC6pWfgVxg4jfMqvIfU6xBe7UqrI1OQ/viewform

Medicine Pick-Up is March 23, 2020:
As previously mentioned, all schools have been mandated to be closed until April 6th. Understanding that this was an unexpected occurrence, many families may need to pick up prescriptions for this period of time. Administrators will have schools open on Monday, March 23rd, from 9:00 a.m. until noon for parents to pick up medication. Only individuals on the child’s pick up list may retrieve medication. Families will not have access to other areas of the schools for the duration of the closure. If this pick up time does not work for you, please contact your child’s school during this time period to make other arrangements with the building principal.

FREE Meals for Mid-Del Families Begin March 23, 2020

In our ongoing efforts to provide the latest updates with our Mid-Del patrons, Dr. Cobb will be available on Thursday, March 19th at 10:00 a.m. to answer your questions on Facebook Live @middelschools. We ask that you submit your questions on this post as we try to prepare as much information as we can for our community. We hope this will provide our families with needed information during this time. Thank you! #mdpurpose

Mid-Del Schools will be closed through April 3. The earliest classes will resume will be April 6.

Mid-Del has partnered with STOPit to provide online and mobile app bullying reporting. This new program provides anonymous two-way communication between app users and organization administrators.
The Report button can be used to ANONYMOUSLY submit a report consisting of text, image(s), and/or video(s) to contacts from the organization who can respond to the incident and get help to individuals in need. Additionally, organizations may make text or call resources available to app users via the Get Help feature.
To make a report, please use the access code middelschools.