Child Find
The purpose of this policy is to state the intention of the Mid-Del Public Schools to fulfill its responsibility to establish and implement an ongoing Child Find system to locate, identify and evaluate students ages 3 through 21 years, who are suspected of having a disability and may need special education, regardless of the severity of the disability, and to coordinate with SoonerStart Early Intervention Program regarding the Child Find system for children ages birth to 3 years of age.
The District’s Child Find system will include all children within the District’s geographic boundaries.
The District will coordinate with other agencies and promote public awareness to locate children who may have disabilities.
The District will take appropriate and necessary steps to ensure that District staff and the general public are informed of:
the availability of special education services;
a student’s rights to a free appropriate public education;
confidentiality protections; and
the special education referral process,
and will provide this information through a variety of methods.
In the identification process, the District may use screening or coordinated early intervening services. The District’s general education interventions will not delay the initial evaluation for special education services of a student suspected of having a disability.
If through Child Find activities, a child is identified as possibly having a disability and needing special education services, the District may seek parent consent to evaluate the child. All such evaluations will be conducted in compliance with applicable federal and state law and regulations.