The Finance Department offers assistance and provides services to the employees and the district as a whole in the following areas:

  • Payroll

  • District Property & Liability Insurance

  • Workers’ Compensation

  • Budget, Accounting, Treasurer, and Federal Claims

  • Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable

  • School Activity Funds

  • Purchasing


Jacqueline Woodard, Chief Financial Officer
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1236

Preston Tatum, Director of Accounting
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1238

Tara Williams, Finance Coordinator
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1237

Kellie Duckworth, Payroll Coordinator
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1294

Accounts Payable:


Sydni Boyd, Accounts Payable Specialist
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1239

Jana Fulton, Accounts Payable Bookkeeper
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1240

Becky Steyaert, Activity Fund Specialist
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1241

, Activity Fund Clerk
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1241


Federal Claims:

Lisa Wilson, Purchasing Specialist
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1249

Paula Brinlee, Admin Clerk
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1360


Workers' Compensation

Cassie Hill, Accounting Clerk
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1277

Denise McFarland, Risk Manager
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1232