for U.S. Military Families for U.S. Military Families, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, is a program that provides on-demand, online tutoring and homework help at no cost to eligible service members, civilian personnel, and their dependents. With live, expert tutors available 24/7, military-connected students can receive academic help at their moment of need—anywhere they have an internet connection.

Click on the purple image above to access their website.

Military Mondays

Thank you to all the volunteers that helped make Military Monday, at Tinker Elementary, a success! The high fives, smiles, and bridges added so much joy to the students Monday mornings.

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Tinker Air Force Base School Liaison

Mr. Timmy Higgins is the Tinker Air Force Base School Liaison. The District works with Mr. Higgins to help transition our military families into Mid-Del and helps the District identify the needs of our military families.

Click on the link below to download a presentation from the Liaison's office.

Presentation to the Oklahoma State Department of Education regarding Military Children

Mr. Timmy Higgins

COMM: 405-734-3683

Challenge Coins for Enlisted Students

Superintendent Cobb presented students who've enlisted with a Mid-Del Challenge Coin to show his appreciation for their decision to serve in the United States Armed Forces.

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USS Oklahoma SSN-802 Visited Del City High School NJROTC

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The Crew Members of the USS Oklahoma SSN-802 visited with our Del City High School NJROTC today and has adopted the Eagles NJROTC program. Dr. LaShonda Broiles, Deputy Superintendent of Mid-Del Schools, presented the crew members with the Mid-Del Challenge Coin.

The USS Oklahoma is expected to set sail in 2027. Thank you to the crew of the USS Oklahoma SSN-802! Saddle Up! The Sooner...the Better!

Military Youth of the Year


Many former Mid-Del graduates have been chosen as the Oklahoma Military Youth of the Year representing the Tinker Youth Center.

JROTC Programs

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Mid-Del offers robust JROTC programs at each of our three high schools. These programs are active in their schools and in the community. We are proud of the culture these programs create in our schools and we support our students and service members who lead the programs.

Recognizing Our Staff Who Serves


Our Staff Members understand what it means to serve.


We are proud to support our military veterans who inspire students in the classroom as a Mid-Del Educator! #militaryproud

Veterans Day Parade

Our schools actively participate in the Midwest City Veterans Day Parade as well as the Del City Armed Forces Day Parade.

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Clothe the Children

Each year, students are treated to holiday cheer thanks to the Clothe the Children program! Forty students from all fifteen elementary schools shopped with our partners from Tinker Air Force Base as part of the Clothe the Children program. This was the program's 30th year and students started the morning shopping at JCPenney (Moore location). Civilian and military members from Tinker raise funds to provide clothing for the students. This program has helped approximately 1,000 students through the years. Thank you so much for your generosity!

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Clothe the Children

Purple Cords for Graduates

Our Tinker Air Force Base School Liaison office provides purple graduation cords for our military connected seniors to wear at graduation. Any student who attended school while a parent was deployed can get a purple military connected cord.


Warriors for Freedom Game

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Learn About Serving

Our students can learn more about serving through visits from the different branches of the military.

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Mid-Del Schools Military Liaison

Stacey Boyer, Director of Community Relations and Records Management

How can we help you?

  • Helping schools understand the challenges military Families face 

  • Giving Families information about local schools, graduation requirements, after school programs, youth sponsorship

  • Connecting units and schools through partnership initiatives 

  • Providing an array of resources that benefit military youth and improve school experiences

Mrs. Boyer is the spouse of an Army veteran who served over 23 years. Their two children attended Mid-Del Schools during the family's multiple deployments.



Welcome to Mid-Del Schools!

We are proud to serve the men and women of our military and their families. We serve over 550 military connected students in Mid-Del. We think you will find the perfect fit for your family in one of our 13 elementary schools, 3 middle schools, and 3 high schools. We also offer virtual learning options for our secondary students. Mid-Del is the only school district in the state of Oklahoma with its own technology center.

We offer Military and Family Life Counselors in our District. The counselors serve our military students and families. They have training to provide a wide range of support to military children, family members, and staff who work with children in a variety of areas including school adjustment, deployment and separation, reunion adjustment, behavioral concerns, fear, grief, loss, and more.


Mid-Del Schools Named Purple Star Campus

The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) announced the school districts selected for the 2022 Purple Star Campus designation in Oklahoma.

The Purple Star program is designed to help schools respond to the educational and personal challenges military-connected children face during their transition to a new school and keep them on track to be college-, workforce- and life-ready.

Read more about the announcement HERE.



Proclamation in Support of Mid-Del Military Families

Each year, Mid-Del Schools shows its support for our military community through a signed proclamation or resolution. This typically happens as part of Purple Up! for Military Kids.

Established in 2004, Student 2 Student® (S2S™) is a student program that brings military and civilian students together to welcome new students, create a positive environment, support academic excellence, and ease transitions.

Established in 2004, Student 2 Student® (S2S™) is a student program that brings military and civilian students together to welcome new students, create a positive environment, support academic excellence, and ease transitions.

Mid-Del is proud of its S2S program and the benefits offered not only to our military connected students, but to our new students who located to our district. Currently, Carl Albert High School is our S2S designated high school. However, many of our schools perform the same principals of the S2S program in their schools with our students and families.


Anchored 4 Life is a peer-to-peer club to connect youth while building change and resiliency skills.

Tinker Elementary hosts Anchored 4 Life at the school. This club provides opportunities for peers to enhance social skills, learn leadership skills, build character, improve self-esteem, and integrate into their community. Youth will learn these change and resiliency skills using the Club features.


Tinker Air Force Base's First Legacy Airman of the Day

15 Mid-Del middle school students had the opportunity to participate in Tinker Air Force Base’s first “Legacy Airman of the Day” event. Hosted by the 552 ACW, the event included tours of squadrons, planes and presentations. The event offered students a sense of what the mission is here at Tinker, how the base works with and in the community, and allowed students an opportunity to connect with the airmen doing the work day in and day out. Thank you to the 960th AACS, 963rd AACS, 964th AACS, 965th AACS, 966th AACS, 552 MXG, and 552 ACW for your hard work, dedication, and tireless efforts in bringing this event to life! Thank you to the Mid-Del School District for allowing your students to participate in the event.


STARBASE®- A Department of Defense Youth Program

This is the second largest DoD STEM based funded program in the nation, focused on improving knowledge and skills of at-risk 5th-8th  grade students in: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Mid-Del students have been participating in this program for years and we have established great partnerships to watch STARBASE flourish in our District.

Enlistment Ceremony

We are incredibly proud of the role our amazing military programs play in our schools. Mid-Del Schools is a proud military community and we were especially proud to recognize our students who enlisted in multiple branches of the military this morning during Del City High School's first enlistment ceremony.

The event was special and significant for our Eagles who have decided to serve their country. Along with service comes personal sacrifice, courage, relentless commitment and uncompromising character. We applaud you, salute you, and THANK YOU!

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Connecting Virtually

3rd and 4th graders were able to talk with Colonel J. Thompson from the US Space Force . She talked about the importance of STEM and answered questions all about space.

Midwest City High School Vietnam Memorial

Recently, a rededication ceremony was held at the Bomber Vietnam Memorial located at Midwest City High School. The MCHS Bomber Vietnam Memorial Committee honors all Veterans and revealed new additions to the beautiful memorial. Two informational panels and a “Comment Box” were added so visitors may drop off comments, memorabilia, order forms, etc.

For more information about the memorial, please visit

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Military Volunteers in our Schools

Mid-Del Schools is very fortunate to be a neighbor to Tinker Air Force Base. We welcome our service members into our schools to volunteer their time and expertise. If we have any individuals or groups who wish to help our schools, please feel free to contact Stacey Boyer, Director of Community Relations at

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Captain John Keilty, USNAVY (Ret.) Shares His "MY Why"

This year, we are going to give our team a chance to share their "My Why" message with the Mid-Del Community. Captain John Keilty USNavy (Ret), Navy Junior ROTC Del City High School, shared his "My Why" story with us. I hope you'll take a few minutes to watch it.

Kalsu Documentary

Documentary “Uncommon Character: The Legacy of James Robert Kalsu”.

Unveiling of the Robert Kalsu Memorial Statue located at the Robert Kalsu Stadium at Del City High School.

March 29, 2024 was the unveiling of the Robert Kalsu Memorial Statue located at the Robert Kalsu Stadium at Del City High School. After the unveiling, a new documentary by GLM3 Productions of the Life and Legacy of Robert Kalsu titled “ Uncommon Character” was premiered. In addition, a Vietnam War Era Pinning Ceremony took place for any who served during the Vietnam War Era.

Thank you to the Robert Kalsu Legacy Project Committee for their tireless efforts in making this project a reality. We look forward to our Mid-Del community visiting this tribute to a former Eagle known for his “Uncommon Character.” #mdpurpose

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Rededication of Robert Kalsu Stadium

Members of Robert Kalsu's family were on hand for the rededication of Robert Kalsu Stadium. In addition, former teammates from Del City High School, the University of Oklahoma, and the Buffalo Bills were present for the celebration. The colors were presented by the University of Oklahoma ARMY ROTC Cadets.

James Robert Kalsu was born on 13 April 1945 in Oklahoma City and attended Del City High School. Kalsu was a starting guard for the Buffalo Bills in the 1968 season, playing the entire season and was the Bills' team rookie of the year.

Following the 1968 season, to satisfy his Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC) obligation, Kalsu entered the U.S. Army as a second lieutenant and arrived in South Vietnam in November 1969 as part of the 101st Airborne Division. On July 21, 1970, Kalsu was killed in action at the Battle of Fire Support Base Ripcord when his unit came under enemy fire while stationed near the A Shau Valley in Thua Thien Province.

Thank you to our community who provided these improvements to Robert Kalsu Stadium with the passage of the 2017 bond election.


Mid-Del Staff Resources to Assist Military Students

Professional Development

MCEC Professional Development Online Training

School Resources to Support Military-Connected Students

Student Transition Resources for Educators

Education Revolution - Advocacy Booklet | National Military Family Association (NMFA)

  • A guidebook to understanding the struggles related to school transitions and how your school can help students overcome them.

Educator Resources - Student Transition | Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)

  • MCEC provides a model for student transition, along with a toolkit of strategies, templates, and checklists developed to help teachers, principals, counselors, and district and state personnel more effectively serve transitioning mobile students.

Assistance for Mid-Del Staff During Times of Deployment

Traumatic Grief in Military Children: Information for Educators

  • The National Child Traumatic Stress Network offers an overview of the needs of military-connected students during times of traumatic loss for them and their families.