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Special Education Bootcamp
Mid-Del offers a Special Education Bootcamp as a non-traditional route to special education certification.
Teachers must:
be employed in a Mid-Del School
have a Bachelor's (4 year) degree or higher
complete a 150 hour bootcamp course
apply and submit all documents to the OSDE to obtain a provisional certificate (good for only 1 year; renewable for up to two additional years)
understand that 18 additional college credit hours must be obtained towards a Masters degree in Special Education (MUST get a least 6 hours per year for 3 years)
Contact Jessica Brandon ( or Tressa Wilson ( for more information.

Mid-Del Schools provides special education services to students who reside in the Mid-Del School District. All students served with special education supports meet eligibility criteria as students with disabilities under IDEA. Mid-Del serves students between the ages of 3 to 21 years of age. Special education instructional support for special education students is based on student need. Instructional services may be either direct to the student or consultation services to assist the teacher. Disabilities range from mildly disabled to moderate, severe and profoundly disabled. Services vary from minimal services weekly to intense services in fully self-contained settings. Due to the diversity of student education needs present among Mid-Del's students with disabilities, the District offers comprehensive special education services designed to meet the unique range of needs. If you have comments, suggestions or would like to obtain additional information about Mid-Del's Special Services Department, please contact us at the numbers or email addresses below:
Mrs. Tressa Wilson, Director of Special Services
Megan Tibbits, Assistant Director:
405-739-1696 ext. 4452
Jessica Brandon, Instructional Facilitator:
405-739-1696 ext. 4467
Heather Branesky, Instructional Facilitator:
405-739-1696 ext. 4475
Dianne Wise, Instructional Facilitator:
405-739-1696 ext. 4476
Joy Routh, Special Services Specialist:
405-739-1696 ext. 4456
Sandra Luckett, Secretary:
405-739-1696 ext. 4455
Melvia Lovings, Secretary:
405-739-1696 ext. 4453