Copy and Search Fees
A reasonable fee will be charged to recover the cost of document copying and/or mechanical reproduction; and under such circumstances as authorized under the Open Records Act, a reasonable fee will also be charged for document search.
25 cents per page - 8.5 X 11 or 8.5 X 14
Research and compilation $15.00 per hour (when search of documents requested requires absence from normal work)
Copies of audio recordings or video $20.00 per copy
Please download the document below to submit an electronic request for records.
Please click HERE to download the Open Records Request Form.
Please note: Requests will be taken during business hours, Monday through Friday. Turnaround times are relative to the responsible party's regularly scheduled workload. Procedures for obtaining records are as follows: records of the school District and its employees shall be open to any person or organization for inspection, copying, and/or mechanical reproduction during regular business hours. No records under the control of the Mid-Del Board of Education shall be removed from their designated location by any person, corporation, partnership, firm or association unless said record is ordered or subpoenaed by a court of competent jurisdiction.
The person in charge of fulfilling open records requests is Stacey Boyer with a mailing address of 7217 S.E. 15th Street., Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110, and a telephone number of 405,737.4461, ext. 1230. Email completed form request to
This form is not to be used to request a high school diploma. To request a diploma, please contact your high school directly.
Carl Albert High School: (405)739-1726
Del City High School: (405) 677-5777
Midwest City High School: (405) 739-1741