Late Start Wednesdays for Mid-Del High Schools

Late Start Schedule
What is a Professional Learning Community or PLC?
The basic structure of a PLC is a group of collaborative teams that share a common purpose. PLC time is also when teachers have a chance to identify students who need targeted interventions and intensive remediation.
The Why behind PLCs
Focus on learning-Schools don’t improve by focusing on teaching. They improve by focusing specifically on student learning of essential skills.
Collaborative culture-Rather than working in isolation, educators are far more effective when they learn continuously along with their peers and work interdependently to merge their strengths to yield high levels of learning for all students.
Results orientation- Educators know they are effective when students learn more. Rather than making decisions based on opinions, they actively study the results of their work regularly to make sure they are engaged in the right work.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Late Start Wednesdays?
High School students will start 1st hour only on Wednesdays 45 minutes later to allow teachers time to PLC together to meet the academic needs of our students.
*Students may still arrive at the normal time, but there will be an assigned location that will be used as a “Study Hall” time, as well as breakfast still served during that time. There will be set expectations for students to follow during this time, as well as monitored by assigned staff.
Why do schools need collaboration time?
Collaboration time gives teachers time to analyze student work, identify and act on all student learning needs in a timely manner.
Why is late start only being considered for High School?
Elementary and Middle School Teachers already have common plan opportunities built into their school day. High Schools are the only ones who do not.
How will late start help my child?
The time will allow for teachers to develop plans that enrich students at grade level and above grade level, as well as helping struggling students.
Why was Wednesday the chosen day for late start?
Most student activities (tournaments, contests, assemblies, etc.) are not scheduled on Wednesdays. It is the day we have the highest attendance in our high schools.
What about transportation and busing?
Buses will run as normal. However, students may arrive/ be dropped off by the start time of 1st Hour (8:30am) if they choose.
Will school end at the same time on late start Wednesday?
Yes, school will end at the normal time.
What if my student attends the MDTC?
MDTC will still have buses transporting students at the regular scheduled time on late start Wednesday.
Will this impact my student that has concurrent enrollment?
No. All the time gaps of when students take concurrent enrollment match with the late start schedule.
Students will be recommended to choose a T/Th 12:30pm versus M/W to ensure they could be at remediation time, but that wouldn’t be required.
Will my student still have the opportunity to have breakfast on late start Wednesday?
Yes. Breakfast will be available to students on late start Wednesday from 7:00-8:15am.
Why not do an early release?
Early release will not work because of secondary athletics and after school activities. Students in these activities would be unsupervised for an hour because the coaches/sponsors will be in required PLC meetings.