Important Athletic Documents
Important Athletic Forms
Mid-Del Public Schools Athletics is pleased to announce that athletic forms will be completed online. These forms may be accessed from any computer or tablet. All students participating in Mid-Del Schools athletics programs are required to complete the forms and physical in MAY, before they will be permitted to participate. This includes managers.
Directions for the completion of the online forms are given on the Rank One Sport website. Online Forms that must be filled out and submitted are:
Insurance Waiver and Participation Form
Release from Liability Form
Concussion and Head Injury Acknowledgement
Drug Testing Form
Helmet Warning (Football Players Only)
The OSSAA PHYSICAL FORM will continue to be filled out on paper. This document is provided in the left hand section of this page.
If you have any questions please contact one of the following:
Midwest City High School and Midwest City Middle School
Athletic Office 739-1741, ext. 5157
Jarrett Austin, Athletic Trainer: 739-1741, ext. 5139
Del City High School and Del City Middle School
Athletic Office 677-5777, ext. 4146
Sarah Thornton, Athletic Trainer: 677-5777
Carl Albert High School and Carl Albert Middle School
Athletic Office 739-1648, 3021
Michael Taylor, Athletic Trainer: 739-1648, ext. 3025