Questions and Answers:

Q: Where do I vote? 

A: If you are unsure of your polling place, please call 713-1515 for the Oklahoma County Election Board to verify your polling place. 

Precinct Polling Locations

Q: When are the polling places open? 

A: Polls are open from 7am-7pm

Q: When is the last day to request an absentee ballot?

A: Last day to request an absentee ballot is June 23rd to vote in the June 30th election. 

Request Your Absentee Ballot

Q: Bond funds can be used for the following:

A. Answers

  • Construction and remodeling of facilities

  • Purchase of technology equipment

  • Equipment, furniture, and textbooks

  • Site improvements

  • Purchase of musical instruments

  • Purchase of buses

Q: Bond funds cannot be used for the following:

A: Answers

  • Staff salaries and wages

  • General operating expenses and maintenance

  • Classroom supplies

  • Administration

Q: What is a General Obligation Bond?

A: General Obligation Bonds - Are bonds that are payable from ad valorem (property) taxes levied against all taxable property located within the School District, excepting homestead and other lawful exemptions. General Obligation Bonds are considered extremely safe investments and therefore can be issued at lower interest rates than many other types of bonds.

June 30, 2020 Bond Flyer

On January 28, 2020, our Board of Education approved a resolution to hold a bond election Tuesday, April 7, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Board of Education moved the election date to June 30, 2020.

If the bond passes, millage rates will remain the same. This is NOT a property tax increase. The total bond amount is $8,840,000. Each school would receive improvements on this bond. #mdpurpose

With over 2 million square feet and 28 sites, there is much to do to keep our facilities maintained. Bond dollars complete projects that state funds cannot legally address. All of our projects are based on needs expressed by our community. 

Watch Dr. Rick Cobb, Superintendent of Mid-Del Schools, explain the absentee voting process for the June 30th Bond Election. To request your absentee ballot, visit:

Don't forget to request your ballot by June 23, 2020!

Bond Election Flyer Page

Bond Election Flyer Page