Pre-K FAQs

  • How do I know if my child is old enough to attend Pre-K?

Students are eligible for Pre-K if they are 4 years old by September 1.

  • Can my 5-year-old attend Pre-K?

No, our Pre-K program is designed for 4-year-olds. Five-year-old students attend Kindergarten. 

  • What do I need to do to enroll my child in Pre-K?

To enroll for Pre-K, you need an email address, birth certificate, 2 current bills, Tinker Housing Office Verification (if applicable), immunization records, state or government issued ID.

  • How long is the Pre-K school day?

Pre-K begins at 9:00 am, and ends at 3:00 pm.

  • If I cannot pick my child up by 3:00 pm, what are my options?

Most sites offer Latchkey before and after school services.  Most major day care centers transport Pre-K students to and from school. Pre-K students may not ride the school bus to and from school.  Pre-K students may not stay at school until older siblings are dismissed. 

  • How does lunch work?

Students in Mid-Del are provided with breakfast and lunch at no cost to the student.  Students are also permitted to bring a home lunch if they prefer.

  • Will my child attend Pre-K every day?

Pre-K begins at 9:00 am, and ends at 3:00 pm every day school is in session.  Please see the district calendar for more information.

  • Is Pre-K mandatory?

Pre-K is optional, but if your child is enrolled, on-time attendance is mandatory. Enrolled students with excessive absences or late arrivals risk removal from the program.

  • Am I allowed to walk my child to class every day?

The district recommendation is that Pre-K parents be allowed to walk their student to class for the first 3 days of school. After 3 days, the building policy should be followed.