Residency Information and Requirements
The Mid-Del School District has been established for the purpose of serving the educational interests of resident students. State law provides that a child's residence for school enrollment purposes is "the school district in which the parents, guardian, or person having legal custody holds legal residence".
No child shall be permitted to attend any Mid-Del School District school whose parent, guardian, person or institution holding legal custody of such child are not legal residents of Independent School District No. 52, unless they conform to the Student Transfer Policy. Legal residency must be proved each school year for every student by providing the following:
District Resident (someone who owns or rents a home in the District under their own name with their own utilities):
Must provide 2 current (within 30 days) utility bills (gas, water, and/or electric). Service must be in the parent/guardian’s name and reflect the service address.
Cut-off or late notices presented AFTER the cut-off date will not be accepted without a receipt showing payment has been made.
Tinker Housing Office Verification (if applicable)
Utility bills in the parent/guardian's spouse's name will be accepted with proof of legal marriage.
Resident Affidavit (one family living with a Mid-Del Public Schools resident (host) family):
Host and parent/guardian must be present, each with picture ID-driver’s license or state issued ID.
Host must provide 2 current (within 30 days) utility bills (gas, water, and/or electric) in their name.
Parent must provide 2 official, current (within 30 days), reoccurring (monthly) pieces of legal mail in their name, going to the host’s address.
Parent/Guardian may be asked to show proof of vacating a previous address and/or termination of previous utility service
Special Entry (someone who owns or rents a home in the District under their own name but does not have one or more utilities in their name):
If home owner with utility bills in someone else's name, must provide proof of home ownership, two (2) utility bills showing service at that address (no cut-off notices), AND two (2) recurring, monthly financial obligation bills or statements (car insurance, cell phone bill, bank statement, DHS correspondence, credit card statement, etc.)
If renter with utility bills in someone else's name, must provide current lease/rental agreement listing themselves and all school aged children, two (2) utility bills showing service at that address (no cut-off notices), AND two (2) recurring monthly financial obligation bills or statements (car insurance, cell phone bill, bank statement, DHS correspondence, credit card statement, etc.)
If renter with "All Bills Paid", must provide current lease/rental agreement showing that all bills are included in the rental amount AND two (2) recurring, monthly financial obligation bills or statements (car insurance, cell phone bill, bank statement, DHS correspondence, credit card statement, etc.)