Student Intra-District Transfer Information

An intra-district transfer being requested from a parent/guardian for a student who already lives within the Midwest City-Del City Public School District boundaries but is requesting to apply for the student to attend a different school outside the parent/guardian’s attendance zone.  An intra-district transfer will be reviewed for acceptance but may be denied due to the school being over capacity, a student’s past discipline and/or a student’s attendance history.

The intra-district transfer applications period begins July 1st for enrolled students wishing to transfer to another Mid-Del school site for the current year.  Applicants must be currently enrolled in Mid-Del Schools to be eligible for consideration.  All applications will be reviewed and responded to with either approval or denial no later than 30 days .  By submitting this application, parents agree that their student will be required to attend at his/her home school until such a time that an approval is received. To apply for an intra-district transfer, please complete the application in its entirety as partially completed forms will not be considered.

An intra-district transfer request is not a guarantee.  It is the policy of the board of education that any legally transferring student shall be accepted by the district under the following circumstances:

1.      The district has the capacity to accept the student at the grade level at the school site;

2.      The transferring student has not been disciplined for:

       a.      violation of a school regulation,

       b.      possession of an intoxicating beverage, low-point beer, as defined by Section 163.2 of Title 37 of the Oklahoma Statutes, or missing or stolen property if the property is reasonably suspected to have been taken from a student, a school employee, or the school during school activities, or

      c.      possession of a dangerous weapon or a controlled dangerous substance while on or within two thousand (2,000) feet of public school property, or at a school event, as defined in the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act.

 3.      The transferring student does not have a history of absences.  “History of absences” means 10 or more absences in one semester that are not excused for the reasons provided in 70 O.S. § 10-105 or due to illness. 

 The district will approve or deny the application and notify the parent of the student of the determination in writing within thirty (30) days of receiving an application. The school district shall enroll transfer students based on preferences outlined in Policy C-15 and then in the order in which they submit their applications.  If the number of student transfer applications exceeds the capacity of the district, the district shall select transfer students based on the preferences outlined above and then in the order in which the district received the application until capacity is reached.

 Students granted intra-district transfers must provide their own transportation to and from school.

As this school district operates under the rules of the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association, approval of an intra-district transfer does not assure athletic eligibility at the receiving site. A student is eligible in the area where his/her parents reside. Be advised that the period of ineligibility for those who have previously established eligibility in generally one semester. You should contact your athletic director or principal about eligibility.

The online intra-district transfer application can be found here:

2024-25 Student Intra-District Transfer Application

If you have any questions about the transfer process, please contact, the Mid-Del Schools Central Enrollment Center at 405-582-7095 or email