Thank You Mid-Del Voters for Approving All 3 Propositions in the October 10, 2023 Bond Election!

Thank you Mid-Del voters! All three bond propositions passed. #mdpurpose
Proposition #1: 78%
Proposition #2: 75%
Proposition #3: 77%
2023 Bond Election Flyer

Renderings of Proposed Projects

Construction of a NEW Townsend Elementary on current campus. This would provide a fully contained campus for safety and new classrooms for our students and staff.

Addition at Carl Albert Middle School would provide additional classrooms and a second story sky-bridge connection.

Carl Albert High School Addition: Classroom Addition to also include fine arts classroom space. The addition will help with campus containment and will include a storm shelter. The school will also be receiving fencing improvements.

Carl Albert High School would be receiving a new multipurpose facility behind the high school. In addition, stadium improvements will include: new end zone facility, new video scoreboard, new visitor seating, visitor restrooms and concessions, and track and lighting improvements.

Saferoom Classroom Additions. The addition of 10 saferooms in the schools currently without a saferoom would provide a saferoom in every Mid-Del School. The addition would also help with campus containment and adding classroom space.

Addition at Del City Middle School woulld provide a new kitchen, expanded cafeteria, and new classrooms.

Del City High School Addition: New fine arts addition will provide multiple classrooms for band, orchestra, and other fine arts programs. The addition will also include a storm shelter. The addition will help with campus containment. The school will also be receiving fencing improvements.

Del City High School would be receiving a new multipurpose facility behind the visitor seating at the Robert Kalsu Stadium. In addition, stadium improvements will include new visitor seating, new video scoreboard, ltrack and lighting improvements.

Districtwide Safety and Security upgrades including: fencing, access control keypads, cameras, servers , lighting, and doors and locks.

Addition at Midwest City Middle School would provide a new band room, new orchestra room, new art room, new kitchen, expanded cafeteria, and new classrooms. This addition would also help with campus containment.

Midwest City High School Addition: New fine arts addition will provide multiple classrooms for band, orchestra, art, drama, and choir. The addition will also include a storm shelter. The addition will help with campus containment. The school will also be receiving fencing improvements.

Midwest City High School would be receiving a new multipurpose facility at the front of the school on the current practice field. In addition, Rose Field would receive new video scoreboard, and track and lighting upgrades.

Recurring Costs
The following recurring costs will be included in the bond :
Fine Arts uniforms and equipment
Athletics uniforms and equipment

Addition of 10 storm shelters. This would provide all schools with a storm shelter on campus. Schools to receive a storm shelter addition:
Barnes Elementary
Cleveland Bailey Elementary
Country Estates Elementary
Epperly Heights Elementary
Ridgecrest Elementary
Tinker Elementary
Townsend Elementary
Carl Albert High School
Del City High School
Midwest City High School
Districtwide Safety and Security upgrades including:
access control keypads
doors and locks
Districtwide improvements to roofing.
*Campus Containment is a theme throughout this bond proposal. Providing fencing and limiting the number of points of entry to our schools is a goal with multiple projects.

Construct a New Townsend Elementary
New Classroom Additions at the following schools that will include storm shelters:
Barnes Elementary
Cleveland Bailey Elementary
Country Estates Elementary
Epperly Heights Elementary
Ridgecrest Elementary
Tinker Elementary
Carl Albert High School
Del City High School
Midwest City High School
Additions/Expansions at the following schools:
Carl Albert Middle School classroom addition
Del City Middle School classroom and cafeteria expansion
Midwest City Middle School classroom and cafeteria expansion
The following elementary schools will also receive upgrades and attention to deferred maintenance: Cleveland Bailey, Country Estates, and Ridgecrest
Addition of multipurpose facilities on all 3 high school campuses.

All 3 softball fields will receive upgrades to the playing surface, seating, restrooms, and concession area.
All 3 baseball fields will receive upgrades to the playing surface, seating, restrooms, and concession area.
All 3 high school tennis courts will be resurfaced and fencing.
All 3 high school stadiums will receive improvements to complete initial improvements from prior bonds. All 3 stadiums will have upgrades to the scoreboards.
New basketball scoreboards and shot clocks for all 3 middle schools and all 3 high schools.
Installation of air conditioning in various dressing rooms and athletic facilities districtwide.
Addition of multipurpose facilities on all 3 high school campuses.
Partnership with the YMCA to construct a community pool.
*Additional funds for Athletics would be available through recurring costs for athletic uniforms and equipment.

Construction of a new Fine Arts addition at Del City HS to relocate the band/orchestra to connect with the PAC. Will include a storm shelter.
Construction of a new Fine Arts addition at Midwest City HS to relocate the band/orchestra to connect with the PAC. Will include a storm shelter.
Carl Albert HS additional space in the construction of the new wing of the school.
Upgrades to all high school Performing Arts Centers to include seating, lighting, and sound systems.
*Additional funds for Fine Arts would be available through recurring costs for Fine Arts uniforms and equipment.