In the News
Fine arts practice and performance space upgrades part of bond proposal (August 22, 2023)
Mid-Del School District calls for $492M bond issue (7-24-2023)
Safety and security top priority in bond proposal (8-10-2023)
Mid-Del Schools preparing for bond election (9-22-22) Midwest City Beacon
Schools float idea of pool in bond issue (4-5-2023) Midwest City Beacon
Thank You Mid-Del Voters for Approving Bond Propositions
Thank you Mid-Del voters! All three bond propositions passed. #mdpurpose
Proposition #1: 78%
Proposition #2: 75%
Proposition #3: 77%
Mid-Del Bond Election Set for October 10, 2023
On July 24, 2023, our Board of Education approved a resolution to hold a bond election Tuesday, October 10, 2023. The total bond amount is $492,700,000 that will be divided into three propositions.
Proposition #1: $472,500,000 of construction projects and equipment purchases for safety and security, academics, athletics, and fine arts.
Proposition #2 : $10 million for an indoor aquatic center in partnership with the YMCA.
Proposition #3: $10,200,000 for transportation (School buses)
The general obligation bond proposal would last 19 ½ years and increase the District’s target millage rate from 30 to 32 mills. It would increase property taxes by about $2.75 per month for a home valued at $150,000.
With over 2 million square feet and 26 sites, there is much to do to keep our facilities maintained. Bond dollars complete projects that state funds cannot legally address.
Thank you to our community, staff, students and Board of Education for providing input over the last 10 months to help us plan for the bond issue! We will be sharing more information in the coming months about the projects.