Elementary Schools
Barnes Elementary
10551 S.E. 59th Street, Oklahoma City
(405) 739-1651
Go East on S.E. 29th Street to Post Road. Turn South on Post Road to S.E. 59th.Turn East on S.E. 59th (approximately ¾ mile).The school is on the North side of the road.
Cleveland Bailey Elementary
3301 Sunvalley Drive, Midwest City
(405) 739-1656
At Reno and Air Depot, go North on Air Depot to the light at West Silvermeadow. Go West on Silvermeadow through 2 four-way stops to Sun Valley Drive. Turn South on Sun Valley and the school is on the West side of the road.
Country Estates Elementary
1609 Felix Place, Midwest City
(405) 739-1661
At S.E. 15th and Air Depot, go East on S.E. 15th to Felix. Turn North on Felix to Country Estates on the West side of the road.
Del City Elementary
2400 Epperly Drive, Del City
(405) 671-8640
At S.E. 29th and Sunnylane, go East on S.E. 29th to Epperly Drive (light).Turn North on Epperly to school on the West side of the road.
Epperly Heights Elementary
3805 Del Road, Del City
(405) 671-8650
At S.E. 29th and Sunnylane, go North on Sunnylane to S.E. 22nd Street (light).Go West on S.E. 22nd to the school.
Highland Park Elementary
5301 South Dimple, Oklahoma City
(405) 671-8660
At S.E. 44th and Sunnylane, go West on S.E. 44th to Dimple (light).Go South on Dimple to the school on the West side of the road.
Midwest City Elementary
2211 S. Midwest Blvd., Midwest City
(405) 582-7017
Go East on S.E. 15th Street to S. Midwest Blvd. Turn South onto S. Midwest Blvd. The school is approximately ¼ mile down on the West side of the road.
Parkview Elementary
5701 Mackelman Drive, Oklahoma City
(405) 671-8670
At S.E. 59th and Sooner Road, go West on S.E. 59th to Mackelman Drive. Turn North on Mackelman. The school is on the West side of the road.
Pleasant Hill Elementary
4346 N.E. 36th, Oklahoma City
(405) 427-6551
Sooner Road North to N.E. 36th, go West on N.E. 36th to Coltrane. School is located on Southwest corner of N.E. 36th and Coltrane.
Ridgecrest Elementary
137 Ridgewood Drive, Midwest City
(405) 739-1671
At Air Depot and Reno, go East on Reno to Bella Vista Drive (light).Turn North on Bella Vista to Ridgewood Drive (4-way stop).Turn West on Ridgewood Drive, the school is on the North side of the road.
Schwartz Elementary
12001 S.E. 104th Street, Oklahoma City
(405) 794-4703
Go East on S.E. 29th Street to Anderson Road. Turn South on Anderson Road to S.E. 104th.School is located on the Northeast corner of S.E. 104th and Anderson.
Soldier Creek Elementary
9021 S.E. 15th Street, Midwest City
(405) 739-1676
Go East on S.E. 15th Street to Douglas Boulevard. School is located on the Northwest corner of S.E. 15th and Douglas Boulevard.
Steed Elementary
2118 Flannery Drive, Midwest City
(405) 739-1686
At S.E. 15th and Midwest Boulevard, go North to General Senter (light).Turn East on General Senter to Flannery Drive.Turn Right on Flannery Drive. The school is located on the North Side of the road.
Tinker Elementary
4500 Tinker Road, Oklahoma City
(405) 739-1630
At S.E. 29th and Sooner Road go South on Sooner Road to S.E. 48th Street (light).Go East on S.E. 48th to Tinker Road. Turn North on Tinker Road. The school is located at the end of Tinker Road.
Townsend Elementary
4000 Epperly Drive, Del City
(405) 671-8680
At S.E. 29th and Sunnylane, go South on Sunnylane to S.E. 41st Street (light).Turn East on S.E. 41st to Epperly Drive. The school is located on the East side of Epperly Drive.
Middle Schools
Carl Albert Middle School
2515 S. Post Road, Midwest City
(405) 739-1761
At S.E. 15th and Douglas Blvd., go East on S.E. 15th to Post Road. Turn South on Post Road to school. Carl Albert Middle School is the second school, located closest to S.E. 29th Street.
Del City Middle School
2300 Linda Lane, Del City
(405) 671-8625
At the corner of S.E. 29th and Sooner Road, go West to Linda Lane (light).Go North on Linda Lane to S.E. 22nd.The school is located on the East side of the road.
Midwest City Middle School
7400 E. Reno, Midwest City
(405) 739-1786
At the corner of Air Depot and Reno, go East on Reno (approximately ¾ mile) and Monroney Middle School is on the South side of the road.
High Schools
Carl Albert High School
2009 South Post Road, Midwest City
(405) 739-1726
At Douglas Boulevard and S.E. 15th, go East on S.E. 15th to Post Road. Turn South on Post Road to the school (approximately 1/3 mile).
Del City High School
1900 South Sunnylane Road, Del City
(405) 677-5777
At S.E. 15th and Sunnylane Road, go South to school (approximately 4 blocks).School is located on the East side of the road.
Midwest City High School
213 Elm Drive, Midwest City
(405) 739-1741
At S.E. 15th and Air Depot, go East on 15th to Lockheed (light).Turn North on Lockheed to Maple Drive. Turn East on Maple Drive. Follow Maple Drive to Elm Street. Turn East on Elm Street to Midwest City High.
Additional Sites
Cedar Ridge Residential Treatment Center
6501 N.E. 50th, Oklahoma City
(405) 650-6111
North on Sooner Road to N.E. 50th Street, Turn East on N.E. 50th approximately 1 mile. Cedar Ridge is on the North side of the road.
Learning Services Center
4731 Judy Drive, Del City
Contains: Career Academy (405) 582-7099, Central Enrollment Center (405) 582-7095, Special Services (405) 739-1696
At S.E. 15th and Sooner Road, go West on S.E. 15th to Howard Drive (light).Turn North on Howard to Judy Drive (4-way stop).Go West on Judy Drive. School is located on the North Side of the road.
Mid-Del Lewis Eubanks Technology Center
1621 Maple Drive, Midwest City
(405) 739-1707
At S.E. 15th and Air Depot, go East on 15th to Lockheed (light).Turn North on Lockheed to Maple Drive. Turn Right on Maple Drive. Follow Maple Drive to Midwest City High School is located on the left.