ELL Resources
Best Practice Strategies to Use with Secondary English Language Learners in Content Areas
ESL/Bilingual Resource Guide for Mainstream Teachers
Language Guide - English Vocabulary
Learning Chocolate - A Vocabulary Learning Platform
The Litcharts Library (Literature Guides, Poetry Guides, Literary Devices and Terms, and more)

Title III English Learner (EL)
Goal of the Mid-Del English Learners Program
The mission of the Mid-Del ELL program is to help English language learners become socially and academically prepared as they move forward both in school and in society.
Identification and Assessment of English Language Learners
Mid-Del Schools collects a Home Language Survey from students and parents at the time of enrollment in our district. After receiving the survey, staff determines if the student needs to be screened as a possible English Learner. This determination, plus score requests from the previous school district (if applicable) is completed within the first 30 days of the student’s arrival to the Mid-Del District.
Parent Notification
Once students are screened or previous WIDA scores are obtained, letters are sent home to parents. The parent letter describes student’s scores, EL services available for their child, and the option to accept or decline those services.
Reassessment and Exiting of English Language Learners
English Language Learners are reassessed each spring with the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs test. Students who score a 4.8 or higher are reclassified as proficient in the English language, while students who score below a 4.8 remain in Mid-Del’s EL program. Those students scoring proficient are monitored up to 4 years following the proficient score. Once the monitoring phase has been completed successfully, the student is exited from all ELL services.
What is ELAP?
As part of the district's EL department, one of our responsibilities is to distribute a form referred to as an ELAP (English Language Acquisition Plan) to each CORE instructor of an ELL student. On an ELAP, you will see a breakdown of the scores a student received from their spring ACCESS (language proficiency) test. It is a 1.0 - 6.0 scale system weighted as follows: listening 15%, speaking 15%, reading 35% and writing 35%. A composite score of 4.8 is considered proficient.
The ELAP also includes suggested goals for each core academic area on a proficient level. Lastly, the form provides suggested accommodations for regular classroom teaching, standardization tests, and WIDA testing. These are suggestions only, they are not bound by law. Our EL department has placed an “X” next to those accommodations that we feel would benefit all students in our district.
Who is an ELL?

Title III English Learner Contact Information
Chris Collier, English Learners Instructional Facilitator
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1266
Leila Tagmir-Velasco, English Leaners Instructional Facilitator
(405) 737-4461, ext. 1357