We are excited to announce registration for our 2nd Annual Mid-Del Senior Conference is OPEN! Mid-Del will be hosting a one-day conference on Tuesday, February 26th that will cover a variety of topics centered around better preparing the Class of 2019 for success after high school. We are also excited to announce that for the 2019 Mid-Del Senior Conference, students will receive all conference info through a Conference App! As the event draws closer, more session and presenter info will be posted through the app! So more info through the app coming soon! We are thankful to many of our Mid-Del Community Partners for helping make this event happen! Students can register 2 different ways: 1) Download the "EventsXD" app and search for the event "Mid-Del Senior Conference 2019: The Next Voyage" 2) Students can also register online using the URL: https://tinyurl.com/NextVoyage19 Students must register by February 8th!
about 6 years ago, Mid-Del Schools
Congratulations to the Carl Albert High School Academic Team! They are the OSSAA Area Champs!
about 6 years ago, Mid-Del News
CAHS Academics
January is Board Appreciation Month. Thank a Mid-Del Board Board Member.
about 6 years ago, Stacey Boyer
Congratulations to the following Del City High School Band Students for their achievement in the Arts! All-State Jazz Band Luke Barten, Emanuel Terrazas, Logan Bird and Isaac Watson
about 6 years ago, Mid-Del News
Congratulations to the following Del City High School Band Students for their achievement in the Arts! COCDA (Central Oklahoma Choral Directors Association) Junior High Honor Choir: Talon Boyce, DeAndrea Samuel, Jonathan Terry High School Honor Choir: Victoria Bevien, David Key, Lauren Blair, Carion Little (3 yr. medallion recipient), Corey Brannon, Matthew Poblete, Gabrielle Hightower, Aedren Willis OkMEA All-State Choir: Cherece Hudson and Matthew Poblete
about 6 years ago, Mid-Del News
Congratulations to the following Carl Albert High School Choir Students for their achievement in the Arts! All State Choir Audrey Allard , Aaliyah Wimberly, Luke Gregory, Logan Wright, and Brandon Whitney COCDA (Central Oklahoma Choral Directors Association) Audrey Allard, Jackson Jones, Zachary Bloyed, Brandon Whitney, Jared Davis, Jalen Wilson, Keely Dooley, Aaliyah Wimberly, Luke Gregory, Logan Wright
about 6 years ago, Mid-Del News
CAHS Vocal
Congratulations to the following Carl Albert High School Band Students for their achievement in the Arts! All-State Band Cassidy Johnson, Not pictured Arielle Overton (3 yr. All-State,Elias Lanham (3 yr. All-State),Xavier Williams CODA (Central Oklahoma Directors Association) Megan Culbert - Oboe, Not pictured Arielle Overton - Tuba (6 yr. CODA), Cassidy Johnson - Clarinet, Nick Waskom - Trumpet, Elias Lanham - Trumpet, Xavier Williams - Trumpet
about 6 years ago, Mid-Del News
Congratulations to the Carl Albert High School Pom Team for winning the Class 5A State Championship in Hip Hop!
about 6 years ago, Stacey Boyer
Congratulations to Mrs. Brenda Mechling, Del City High School, for being named the National Federation of High Schools Outstanding Music Educator of Oklahoma!
about 6 years ago, Mid-Del News
Brenda Mechling
Mr. Savoyte Herlong from Highland Park Elementary School led the Pledge of Allegiance during the Board of Education Meeting January 14.
about 6 years ago, Mid-Del News
Thank you to the members of the District's Continuous Strategic Improvement committee who have volunteered the past two days to develop goal areas and objectives for Phase II of the strategic planning process. The committee includes students, parents, community members, teachers, school administrators and a representative from the board of education.
about 6 years ago, Stacey Boyer
CSI Planning
Registration for the Senior Conference is OPEN!
about 6 years ago, Stacey Boyer
Senior Conference
Congratulations to Anthony Gilliam, Jarman Middle School, who was named as a Top 5 Finalist for Mid-Del District Teacher of the Year! #mdpurpose #oklaed
about 6 years ago, Mid-Del News
Anthony Gilliam
Congratulations to Kathy Gentry, Ridgecrest Elementary School, who was named as a Top 5 Finalist for Mid-Del District Teacher of the Year! #mdpurpose #oklaed
about 6 years ago, Mid-Del News
Kathy Gentry
Congratulations to Nicky Hoogendoorn, Epperly Heights Elementary School, who was named as a Top 5 Finalist for Mid-Del District Teacher of the Year! #mdpurpose #oklaed
about 6 years ago, Mid-Del News
Nicky Hoogendoorn
Congratulations to Gretchen Fitzpatrick, Steed Elementary School, who was named as a Top 5 Finalist for Mid-Del District Teacher of the Year! #mdpurpose #oklaed
about 6 years ago, Mid-Del News
Gretchen Fitzpatrick
Congratulations to Kelly Fry, Del Crest Middle School, who was named as a Top 5 Finalist for Mid-Del District Teacher of the Year! #mdpurpose #oklaed
about 6 years ago, Mid-Del News
Kelly Fry
Thank you to the 2018 Leadership Midwest City Class of the Midwest City Chamber of Commerce for your donation of nearly $5,000 to Mid-Del Schools! Your generosity will help many of our amazing students! #mdpurpose #oklaed
about 6 years ago, Stacey Boyer
Chamber donation
What do you do to keep parents warm while they wait for their Barnes Elementary Blue Jays to be dismissed from school? You serve them hot cinnamon apple cider made by Mrs. Karen Beall. Great job Blue Jays!
about 6 years ago, Stacey Boyer
Barnes Elementary
Del City High School Student Council volunteered at the Oklahoma Children’s Cancer Association Christmas Party for the 8th straight year bringing holiday cheer.
about 6 years ago, Stacey Boyer
DCHS Volunteers